The average house price on CRAGG WOOD CLOSE is £441,332
The most expensive house in the street is 14 CRAGG WOOD CLOSE with an estimated value of £504,036
The cheapest house in the street is 4 CRAGG WOOD CLOSE with an estimated value of £368,331
The house which was most recently sold was 16 CRAGG WOOD CLOSE, this sold on 14 Apr 2021 for £358,000
The postcode for CRAGG WOOD CLOSE is LS18 4RL
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 CRAGG WOOD CLOSE Detached £468,796 £270,000 18 Nov 2011
3 CRAGG WOOD CLOSE Detached £441,911 £315,000 13 Nov 2015
4 CRAGG WOOD CLOSE Detached £368,331 £82,000 30 Apr 1999
7 CRAGG WOOD CLOSE Semi-Detached £436,231 £82,780 7 Apr 1997
9 CRAGG WOOD CLOSE Detached £446,599 £140,000 7 Dec 2001
14 CRAGG WOOD CLOSE Detached £504,036 £405,000 4 Mar 2019
16 CRAGG WOOD CLOSE Detached £407,239 £358,000 14 Apr 2021
17 CRAGG WOOD CLOSE Detached £457,517 £268,000 27 Aug 2010